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Many market research companies carry out their free surveys on targeted demographic groups. Usually companies select people on the basis of their profile that includes location, education, income, interests, age, sex, etc.

 Selecting people by their profiles helps companies know about their capabilities and skill. For example, if the company deals in prescription drugs then it requires those participants who have used those drugs. Also if a company sells cosmetics for young women, it would be interested only in opinions from this population and will most likely ask the market research company to conduct free surveys on young women only. This way companies get desired factual information & details about the product.  

Does becoming a member of some market research company cost you anything? Well, the answer is NO. Signing up with multiple market research companies and filling out their free surveys doesn’t cost you anything. In fact, you get paid for every survey you complete. There are few companies that charge money in exchange for a list of survey sites. You should be careful before buying such lists as there are a lot of scams running on the internet. Always do some research  and find positive as well as negative reviews on such companies. Then you can evaluate the information gathered to decide whether you should buy it or not.


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